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Galatians 6 : 2

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.

Being a parent can be rewarding but it's also one of the hardest jobs you will ever do. We can offer you a listening ear and some understanding of the many ups and downs of family life.


We are here to provide support to you and your family to enable your children to enjoy school and feel happy and safe. We do not judge and your request for support will always be treated with the upmost respect and in total confidence.  


How can we help you?

  • Provide a safe place for you to discuss your concerns;

  • Support children in school with 1:1 or group sessions as appropriate;

  • Guide you to other sources of help, advise and support as appropriate;

  • Support you in times of austerity via the school food bank or uniform reserves. 


What sort of issues can we help with?

  • Children who are finding school difficult, who are anxious or reluctant to come to school;

  • Families who are going through difficult times such as illness, separation, divorce, bereavement, domestic violence or financial worries;

  • Parent/carers who are experiencing difficulties managing their child's behaviour.


How can I request support?

  • Speak to either Mr Oram, Mr Frowen or Mr Baker (School Chaplin & Early Help Leader).  

  • You can telephone the school office or speak to one of us at the start or end of the day. 


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Call Us: 0121 693 7742      29 Ravenhurst Street, Birmingham, B12 0EJ

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For all children to fulfil their God-given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education. 

Love - Learning - Laughter

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