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Children must master the English language. A failure to do so in the use of speech and writing drastically limits one’s potential future prosperity - for opportunity, freedom and income. Giving everybody a more in-depth understanding of the English language makes everybody more competent, and can help create a more just society.


Competence in reading (in the form of comprehension) is central to academic achievement and to participation in economic and political life. Since knowledge is the great equaliser, we have a huge opportunity and responsibility to provide more equal life chances for all pupils, no matter where they come from or socio-economic background.


High quality texts are a feature of daily life at Harper Bell, not just during literacy lessons but across the curriculum. Children will be exposed to an array of genres and authors, on a wide variety of subject matter.


One of our aims is to instil a love for reading in our children; a desire to pick up a book and read for pleasure, without having to be persuaded or cajoled by an adult. Reading for pleasure as a child is a strong factor in determining future social mobility. Research suggests those who read for pleasure demonstrate an intrinsic desire to engage with stories, texts and learning. Reading for pleasure therefore reveals a predisposition not just to literature, but to the sort of lifelong learning that explains increased social mobility.

Our Literacy Curriculum:

  • Bespoke to our children

  • Recognises the importance of reading high quality texts 

  • The mastery of basic skills is prioritised

  • A reading list that gives equal prominence to Black, Asian and minority ethnic lead characters and also reflects the cultural heritage of our pupils 

Key Documents: English 

Reading Curriculum 

Writing Year One  

Our Reading List 

Writing Year Two 

Writing Year Three 

Writing Year Four 

Writing Year Five 

Writing Year Six  

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Call Us: 0121 693 7742      29 Ravenhurst Street, Birmingham, B12 0EJ

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For all children to fulfil their God-given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education. 

Love - Learning - Laughter

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