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Accessibility Plan 1

Admissions Policy: Birmingham Local Authority 

Admissions Policy 2025 -2026

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

Admissions Policy 2023 - 2024

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy 

 Addendum 2024 CP and Safeguarding Policy 

Complaints Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Disabled Access Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Policy & Objectives

EYFS Policy

First Aid Policy

Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-Bribery

Safeguarding Policy 2024

Health and Safety Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 

Low level Concerns Policy

Mobile Phones Policy 

No Platform Policy 

Online Safety Filtering and Monitoring Policy

Religious Education  & Collective Worship Policy

PSHE & Relationships Health Education Policy

Special Educational Needs Policy

Supporting Pupils in School with Medical Conditions

Staff Code of Conduct

Uniform Policy

Whistle-blowing and Serious Misconduct Policy  

Working Together to Keep Children Safe in Education

If you would like a paper copy of anything on this page, please see Mrs Dawati in the school office. 

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Call Us: 0121 693 7742      29 Ravenhurst Street, Birmingham, B12 0EJ

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For all children to fulfil their God-given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education. 

Love - Learning - Laughter

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