We Are Unique

There is nowhere quite like Harper Bell! We truly believe that this is a school like no other. A place of immense faith, character, personality and charm. 

We are a school that understands that each child is a gift from God and like any gift given from the Creator it will to be cherished, loved and protected. This view of your children is underpinned by our values of Love, Learning and Laughter. 

We are committed to playing our role in developing your children into compassionate and forgiving individuals, able to make a positive contribution to their communities. Able to analyse the world and know what is right from what is wrong.

Welcome to Harper Bell SDA Primary School

Harper Bell School, located in the heart of Birmingham, was founded by church members of the West Midlands who sought a nurturing Christian environment for their children's education. As a voluntary-aided faith school, we proudly embrace families from diverse backgrounds, creating a unique and vibrant community that thrives on mutual respect and shared values.

Vision, Mission & Values

For all pupils to fulfil their God-given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education. 

To help each child to receive a balanced intellectual, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional and physical education. This is in harmony with our denominational standards and ideals. With God as the source of all moral value and truth we aspire to prepare our pupils for life.

Love, Learning and Laughter

Our Rules

We are a caring, Christian community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all, according to the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Every member of the school community has the right to feel valued and respected. Every individual will be treated fairly and well.

  1. In everything that you do, treat others as you would have them treat you.
  2. Try your very best all of the time.
  3. Forgive and forget.

Latest News

Image of Lads and Dads at Harper Bell
7 November 2024

Lads and Dads at Harper Bell

Enjoying time together. It was wonderful welcoming or dads into school this morning. Our children felt very proud sharing a book and story with their adults. If you were not able to join us this time, there will be another opportunity in the Spring term. As a school we are promoting the joy and pleasure in reading and we are very fortunate to have a school community that shares this passion with us. We know reading is important because it provides numerous benefits: Language development: It helps children build language skills, exposes them to new words, and teaches them how to use language. General knowledge: Reading helps children learn about the world, making it easier for them to learn new subjects in school. Bonding: Reading together provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to connect. Cognitive development: Even the youngest children benefit from hearing stories read aloud. Vocabulary expansion: Exposure to books and stories expands a child's vocabulary. Proverbs 4:13 “Take hold of instruction, do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.”