All Harper Bell pupils have their own school journal which will be used to record a number of aspects of their school life, including:

  • Behaviour – both acceptable and unacceptable;
  • Achievements – including rewards and academic successes;
  • Reading – what reading they have done at home;
  • Progress towards the school vision – what they have done in any given week towards the school vision.

​The pupil journal also includes key information about life at Harper Bell, including the curriculum, homework, dates, uniform and the our faith. 

Continue reading for a more detailed look at our pupil journal. 

This page is completed by all children on a weekly basis and is effectively a record of their achievements and efforts during the week.

On this page, parents can read how their child has fulfilled the school values of Love, Learning and Laughter. Via their weekly reflection, Children will make a record of their efforts to embody the school values.

Parents can also learn how their child has moved a step closer to achieving the school vision of fulfilling their God-given talents and achieving a university education.

Finally, this page also displays any rewards gained during the week. Children make a record of the times when they achieve the school's highest rewards of Hot Chocolate Friday, Choices and Wow Cards. 

This page is predominantly used to record any behaviour that is against our school rules. As a school we have three rules:

  1. ​To try your best in everything that you do;
  2. To treat others as you would have themtreat you;
  3. To forgive and forget.

​If a child does not follow these three simple rules, they could potentially be issued with a yellow or red card. If this happens, it will be recorded in their journal as a way of communicating it with parents.

At the end of each day, those children who have followed the school rules and expressed our values through their actions will receive a stamp in recognition of their efforts. Stamps can only be awarded to children who have no yellow or red cards.

Before returning to school each Monday, children will complete this page and reflect on the things that they have done over the course of the weekend linked to our school vision and also the Harper Bell 50.

​Both parent and child will work in unison to complete this page of the journal. 

The Harper Bell 50 is a list of activities and experiences that all children will do during their time at school.

If children complete any of these activities and experiences away from school, they should make a note of it in their journal.