This is why you should send your child to Harper Bell:

The joy received from watching a child grow academically and mature in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, all the sleepless nights worth it.

As a parent, you have prayed, researched, sought counsel, and examined all possible educational options.

At Harper Bell Seventh-day Adventist Primary School we want you to entrust us with your child because as a faith school, we understand the value and benefits of a Christian education.

So why send you child to Harper Bell?

We passionately believe that our children flourish at Harper Bell, reaping academically, spiritually, and socially in a Christ-orientated classroom. Our school values of Love, Learning and Laughter are more than just words. They are at the centre of everything that we do.

A child’s teacher is an important role model. Your child spends a major portion of their waking day under the influence of one or more key teachers. We value the importance of the exemplary model set by your child’s teacher. At Harper Bell, we openly teach the truths of Scripture because our commitment compels an open, unashamed love and service to Jesus Christ. All staff openly demonstrate and model Christian principles - one of the many reasons why you should send your child to Harper Bell.

The academic instruction at Harper Bell is of the highest standard. With great standards of behaviour expected of all and high academic standards demanded, Harper Bell promises to provide your child a better education, opening more doors in their life for future success and satisfaction. The benefits of the sound Christian orientated education offered at our school are far-reaching and long-term, another reason you send your child to Harper Bell.

Christian values and attitudes are taught and emphasised every day, in everything that we do.

The Christian ethics and morals expounded in your home and church are reinforced in every Harper Bell classroom. Nurturing a child with Biblical truth is just one of the ways in which we equip our children for life. Our Christian values enable our children to deal with the challenges  they will face as they grow and mature.

We praise the Lord for the wisdom and direction He has given us, and thank Him for the blessings bestowed upon Harper Bell Seventh-day Adventist School. With his guidance and your trust, we promise to educate your child spiritually and academically and help them fulfil their God given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education.

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