7 November 2024

Lads and Dads at Harper Bell

Enjoying time together. It was wonderful welcoming or dads into school this morning. Our children felt very proud sharing a book and story with their adults. If you were not able to join us this time, there will be another opportunity in the Spring term. As a school we are promoting the joy and pleasure in reading and we are very fortunate to have a school community that shares this passion with us. We know reading is important because it provides numerous benefits: Language development: It helps children build language skills, exposes them to new words, and teaches them how to use language. General knowledge: Reading helps children learn about the world, making it easier for them to learn new subjects in school. Bonding: Reading together provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to connect. Cognitive development: Even the youngest children benefit from hearing stories read aloud. Vocabulary expansion: Exposure to books and stories expands a child's vocabulary. Proverbs 4:13 “Take hold of instruction, do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.”