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Autumn Term 2023 (Dates do not include INSET or Bank Holiday Days)


Term Starts: Thursday 7 September 2023
Half Term: Monday 30 October 2023 to Friday 03 November 2023
Term Ends: Friday 22 December 2023


Spring Term 2024

Term Starts: Tuesday 9 January 2024
Half Term: Monday 12 February 2024 to Friday 16 February 2024
Term Ends: Friday 22 March 2024


Summer Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday 8 April 2024
Half Term: Monday 27th May 2024 to Friday 31 May 2024 
Term Ends: Monday 22 July 2024  

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Call Us: 0121 693 7742      29 Ravenhurst Street, Birmingham, B12 0EJ

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For all children to fulfil their God-given talents and to aspire to achieve a university education. 

Love - Learning - Laughter

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