Curriculum Intention

At Harper Bell, we recognise that mathematics is essential to everyday life. Our mission in mathematics is for ALL children to become confident, and fluent mathematicians who have a deep and positive understanding of the universal language of Maths. We aspire for our children to be logical thinkers, applying their mathematical learning to reasoning and solving problems; skills vital for everyday life opportunities, alongside being fluent in their understanding of the number system.

Curriculum Implementation

At Harper Bell, we use the White Rose documentation to support the delivery of our mathematics curriculum. This scheme breaks mathematical knowledge down into small steps, allowing children time to develop and internalise key concepts. Within White Rose, learning is sequenced in a way that allows children to build their mental models and make links to prior learning. The blocked units give learners the opportunity to access key mathematical principles in a variety of ways, expanding their conceptual understanding, and allowing time to revisit and practice these skills. This falls in line with our curriculum approach of retrieval and spaced practice. 

​Curriculum Impact

Our pupils at Harper Bell will have a positive attitude and learning disposition in mathematics, understanding that it is a skill that is used to solve everyday problems. Children will speak enthusiastically about mathematics lessons and show pride in their presentation and understanding of mathematics concepts. Teachers, parents and pupils will continue to have high expectations of what learning can be achieved in mathematics and value this subject as a building block for everyday life.

​Curriculum Summary

  • The White Rose document breaks learning down into small steps and supports the deepening of mathematical concepts.
  • The CPA Approach will allow children to see the structure behind a problem and to contextualise mathematical learning.
  • Key mathematical language and vocabulary is embedded within lessons.
  • The five-part lesson model is in place for revision and retrieval of prior knowledge, explicit teaching and deliberate practice.
  • The whole-class teaching approach sets high expectations that ALL children will experience success within a mathematical lesson, with scaffolds in place to support ALL children in achieving this.
  • In KS1, children will access the Mastering Number program to develop proficiently, fluency and confidence in calculations and the number system.
  • All children will explore the National Curriculum aims of fluency, problem solving and reasoning in the mathematics curriculum.
  • Children build their confidence and develop positive attitudes and learning dispositions in mathematics by experiencing success in every lesson.

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Evidence of Impact on Pupil Learning 

Ofsted - September 2018

Senior leaders have taken swift action to improve teachers’ subject knowledge in mathematics.

Mathematics lessons have a structure that provides daily opportunities for pupils to practise and refine calculation skills and to solve mathematical problems.

In 2018, pupils’ attainment in mathematics was above the national average at the expected standard.